Jack's Story
A True Testimonial
My name is Julius Johnson. In June of 2015, my wife and I went on vacation to Michigan. While traveling cross country in our motor home, I started having issues with my lower back. When we arrived at my sister in-law’s home, I complained to Lou (my sister-in-law) about having bad lower back problems. Lou told me she had just received a product called “Pain Wizard” and had not had a chance to try it, so she handed me the bottle. I was amazed, it seemed like when I used the product as soon as it touched the skin I got instant relief. My wife had a big problem with leg cramps, again as soon as she applied the product the leg cramps totally disappeared, at that point, I was totally sold on the product. It’s great, and it’s an all “Natural” product. When we returned home sadly to say my wife passed away to lung disease. I decided I needed something to occupy my time and to accomplish a goal, I’ve always been in sales and always been honored to sell a product I truly believed in, so my next step was to get in touch with Pain Wizard. I contacted the owner Mikel and with learning about the companies’ policies and procedures at that point, I asked how could I become a distributor? I have to say between the fantastic product and the support I’ve received from Mikel and Michael, Pain Wizard, in my book, cannot be beat. I love selling Pain Wizard! I’m the type of person who really enjoys making people happy. Oh yes, I enjoy making money, but helping people is my #1 goal and to have people walk up to me and say thanks for helping me with my pain. In my book, those words that cannot be beat. My marketing strategy has been to concentrate on farmers markets, home shows, and trade shows. Currently, I attend 4 shows per week and researching others. I’m in a constant mode of thinking about different ways to increase sales. In the future, I plan on making independent sales calls to a variety of different types of businesses that have the potential to become volume sales. To me, the sky is the limit as far as selling “Pain Wizard”. I get enjoyment and self-satisfaction from selling this product along with meeting new people whose goal is pain relief. I would like to thank Mikel and Michael for giving me the opportunity to sell this product that I truly believe in!!